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Belajar Budaya Indonesia (BBI) 1.2
Hanya untuk resolusi 1280x720 HD, silahkantunggu untuk resolusi berikutnyaONLY FOR 1280x720 HD resolution, just wait for another resolutionBBI adalah permainan edukasi yang memperkenalkan budayaIndonesia bagi siswa sekolah dasar.Di BBI kami menyajikan 4 jenis permainan. Pilihan Ganda, TebakGambar, Pencocokan kata, Pencocokan Gambar. Kami menyediakan banyakinformasi tentang Rumah Adat, Pakaian Tradisional, Tari Daerah,Alat Musik Daerah, Senjata Tradisional, makanan lokal, suku lokal.Nantikan terus update terbaru dari kami.BBI is an education games that introducing Indonesian culturefor elementary school student.In BBI we present 4 type of game. Multiple Choice, Guess the Image,Matching Words, Matching Image.We provide many information about the Traditional House,Traditional Clothes, the Regional Dance, the Regional MusicalInstruments, Regional Traditional Weapons, the local food, theindigenous. Stay tune for futher update and news.Only for HD 1280x720resolution, please wait for the next resolutionONLY FOR HD 1280x720 resolution, just wait for another resolutionBBI is educational games that introduce Indonesian culture forelementary school students.At BBI we present four types of games. Multiple Choice, GuessImage, Matching words, Matching Pictures. We provide a lot ofinformation about Traditional House, Traditional Clothing, DanceRegional, Regional Musical Instruments, Traditional Weapons, localfood, local tribes. Stay tuned for continued updates of ourlatest.BBI is an education games that introducing Indonesian culturefor elementary school student.In BBI we present four types of games. Multiple Choice, Guess theImage, Matching Words, Image Matching.We provide many information about the Traditional House,Traditional Clothes, the Regional Dance, the Regional MusicalInstruments, Regional Traditional Weapons, the local food, theindigenous. Stay tuned for futher updates and news.